Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A thief in the night!

Yesterday, we were outside admiring our new beautiful heirloom tomato! It was that deep yellow color, with grainy scarlet red speckles a mix the entire tomato.

With Today's thunder storm, mixed in with humidity that leaves you feeling like your swimming we knew that our golden beauty would be ready. Giving my dog is M.I.A. Chad ran outside to pick her from her nurturing home. In efforts to cheer me up.

I was so tired today from riding my bike all over the neighborhood. Up hills, through traffic, in the sweltering humidity. At school (work) I spent the first part of my morning in lockdown with a student who attacked me at 7:45. Spending a grand total of 45minutes in a restraint...my body is flat worn out. Then coming home to search for my dog. Not to mention we've been riding down by the Trinity River the past few days (16miles on Thursday-and another 10miles Saturday) I was so tired that I really could have used the cheer-up!

Chad came in the house and said, "There is a coon among us!" Apparently we weren't the only apposable thumbed creature eye-balling our gorgeous first tomato of the year! I was so tired, and upset given my day-I litterally fell on top of the chase loungue...ironic-huh.

Here's what we know thus far;
We are dealing with a pro. He knew that tomato needed one more day.
He's old, and this isn't his first shoplifting experience.
He's brave
He's not afraid of dogs!
He probably knows his way out of traps

I have a feeling this won't be his last blog written about him! It will be a long summer, espeically if we don't find Mia *crying pretty hard*

Cletus the coon will be a noble advisasary-But he took what was rightfully mine! And I don't like that!

In the words of the Great Bug's bunny, "Of course you realize, *grinding teeth* this means...WAAAAARRRR"

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