Friday, January 30, 2009

Why napping and blogging is bad!

Allow me to paint you a picture:

If I had to define myself in terms of a "lap top" or a "desk top" I would definitely be a lap-top kinda girl. I am flexible, and can pretty much go anywhere, do anything and I never met a stranger.

Well, my doctor recently talked me into going onto this new, "helps me sleep medication" and its left me sedate, too mellow, and napping all the time. I am really not a nappy-poo person I always wake up cranky, have an upset stomach and it take me forever to wake up.

.....Can you see where this is going?

Today was a hard day, I spent all day at the doctors office, I had to get X-Rays on my foot (I think it's a stress fracture from running) then I had to go to the eye doctor for a follow up. Then sushi with a girlfriend, then the diesel spill at a gas station left my tennis-shoes and slacks smelling bad and it gave me a headache. By the time I got home I was worn flat out-way too much "people time" today, I came home, kissed my Chad, and immediately sat in my blue leather recliner that's tucked away in a corner, my kitten (Aka: destructo-the kitten beast) crawled up in my lap purring extra loud...with lap-top, kitten and the wireless mouse sitting co-captain on the arm-rest, I somehow managed to drift off to sleep.

During my nappy-poo I somehow managed to post a new blog, simply titled: /

My brother and I Christmas day.

Oh the mean tricks little sisters can do!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ms. Kristin. Thanks for following Never Without. I too was in Theatre for bachelors and masters degrees. Loved it. So many design principles we can apply to home decor. I'll check back to Nachomatic and see the great things you're doing in your home. xoxo MMW
